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Enchantment Format

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1Enchantment Format Empty Enchantment Format Tue Aug 28, 2012 2:35 am


Da Boss 2

What are Enchantments?

Enchantments allow you to cast magic on an item for it to have a special effect that can help you in a situation. However, when you enchant this item, you can only use it ONCE per battle.

--Firstly, no god mod forms or enchantments which mean they make you invincible or something stupid like that or it kills whatever it hits it will NOT be approved by mods or admins.

Painted Lady's Note:
Also, to make a note of the Virtue Items, your enchanted items CAN NOT have the same effect as the Virtue Items. Those effects belong to the Virtue Items and they alone. Anything similar will automatically be unapproved.

--Make sure the form or enchantment is approved before you go ahead and use!
--Try to be descriptive it will make it easier to be approved. Please not the three line rule does apply in here as everywhere else.

50 posts: 1 enchantment


Name: ((you know what it is))

Magic: ((how much Chi does this use to activate? Some items do not cost Chi to activate them. It all depends on what the item does.))

Duration: ((For how many posts does this enchantment last?))

Effect: ((what does the enchantment do?))

History: ((how did you obtain this?))

[b]Name[/b]: ((you know what it is))

[b]Magic[/b]: ((how much Chi does this use to activate? Some items do not cost Chi to activate them. It all depends on what the item does.))

[b]Duration[/b]: ((For how many posts does this enchantment last?))

[b]Effect[/b]: ((what does the enchantment do?))

[b]History[/b]: ((how did you obtain this?))

Chel has a necklace.
Chel goes to the Enchantments section, and makes it so that her necklace allows her to go into temperary beserk mode during a single post.
Then, Chel goes and fights Leo, using her enchanted necklace.
Chel ACTIVATES the necklace like so:

Chel's necklace starts to glow. Chel has entered beserk mode!
Chel then kicks Leo's rear.

See how easy that was?

{Q-Q} Oh please, please, PLEASE use the formats, and BE DESCRIPTIVE. Otherwise, none of us are allowed to approve. I MEAN IT. Melt your brain with a microwave until you start to slowly die, but we must have description!

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