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The Four Types of Fighters:

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1The Four Types of Fighters: Empty The Four Types of Fighters: Mon Aug 27, 2012 6:36 am


Da Boss

In the Avatar World, there are four specific kinds of fighting styles that you can use.


A bender is naturally born with the gift to bend their respective elements to their will. They are able to control these abilities with time, patience, and dedication to their art. The fact that they can use these abilities almost anywhere makes them powerful warriors. They are also granted more Chi than fighters or beastmasters.
Benders (unless they are Characters born into the Avatar Cycle,) CANNOT USE WEAPONS.

Examples: Aang, Zuko, Korra, etc.


A Summoner taps into their powerful link with the Spirit World, allowing them to call creatures that have passed into the other realm. This is able to be achieved after many years of practice and training---improper use of a Summoner's technique can result in powerful creatures being unleashed into the real world accidentally, causing the balance of the world to be disrupted.
Summoners are granted more Chi than other types of fighters.

Examples: None--this is something new we're trying out.


The Fighter is a master of combat with weapons, strength, and skill. They are uncontested in their agility and power, and are notably one of the most common forms of combat, as not everybody in this world is a bender.
Fighters who practice in the arts of hand-to-hand instead of weaponry, often unlock the ability to block the Chi of others--benders and summoners alike, making them a deadly force to be reckoned with.

Examples: Sokka, Mai, Tai Lee, Asami Sato


These agile warriors fight with not only their own power, but that of the animal allies they tame and control. Their power comes in strength and numbers, capable of easily dealing with either groups or a single target. Beastmasters are acutely attuned to the wilderness and the patterns of nature, and make for excellent hunters.
Beastmasters are allowed more powerful Pets than the other three types of fighters, and their pets are more effective in combat.

Examples: June (The Bounty Hunter)

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