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Terms of Service

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1Terms of Service Empty Terms of Service Mon Aug 27, 2012 6:09 am


Da Boss

TOS: Terms Of Service

- By becoming a member, viewing, and/or posting on LegendsofAvatar Forums you agree to the Terms Of Service and General Membership Rules stated on this page and any others displayed in this forum.
- The Terms of Service and General Membership Rules may be changed at any time without prior notice by The Administration.
- The Administration is referring to any Administrator and/or Moderator on the LegendsofAvatar Forums.
- The Administration reserves the right to restrict membership in any way.
- The Administration reserves the right to revoke any membership, at any time for any reason at the Administrators and/or the Management’s discretion.
- The Administration reserves the right to limit any membership, at any time for any reason at the Administrators and/or the Management’s discretion.
- The Administration reserves the right to edit any members post, thread, or image, at any time for any reason at the Administrators and/or the Management’s discretion.
- The Administration may NOT limit aforementioned status due to biased opinions on said person, unless backed up by a legitimate reason. If member poses to be turbulence in the future, their privileges may be revoked--however, this is determined by a vote of staff, and NOT the individual.
- The Administration may NOT limit the use of PM's (Private Messages) unless the member in question has proven previously that they are unable to use it responsibly.
- The Administration may revoke the ownership of any account, at any time: however, permission to do so must be granted by the Forum Owner.

Sub Part A

- LegendsofAvatar Forums can not be held responsible for the content contained within the site.
- LegendsofAvatar Forums can not be held responsible for the opinions contained within the site.
- The opinions contained within the site are not necessarily those of LegendsofAvatar Forums or its Management.
- You agree that no legal action what so ever, will be taken against LegendsofAvatar Forums or its Management. This includes past, present and future.
- You agree not to copy, reprint, or establish a website using information gathered at LegendsofAvatar Forums, to do so by using any of the original information that was created by the LegendsofAvatar Team, will result in banishment and/or deletion.
- You agree not to advertise, promote, post links, and mention products or services that you or someone you know will gain from. The only exception is the ADVERTISEMENTS section where advertising for another site is allowed.
- You agree that all content you post conform to all local, national, and continental laws on and or within the planet known as Earth and any satellites of said planet.
- You agree that all information submitted becomes the sole property of LegendsofAvatar Forums and her affiliates.

General Membership Rules

- You may not post external links of personal gain, unless allowed in a particular forum, IE; ADVERTISEMENTS.
- You may not create multiple accounts (As stated in the General Rules)
- You may not post images that contain adult content; this isn't a porn site.
- You may not misrepresent yourself as any organization or person you're not or imply that you represent LegendsofAvatar Forums with out prior written permission by Zitka or any other form of Administration.
- You may not post regarding race.
- You may not post personally identifiable information about yourself or anyone else. That includes Social Security numbers or bank numbers, etc. That is just stupid, and most of you on here most likely do not have a credit/debit card anyways.
- You may not have avatars of a racy nature. This is a Role Playing forum, not a smut site.

Sub Part B

- English is the official language of LegendsofAvatar Forums.
- Descriptions when requesting approval of a template is mandatory.
- The Administration reserves the right to unapprove any and all approval requests if thought to be undescriptive and/or the said user did not follow the template.
- Proper spelling and grammar is expected.
- Any language outside of the English language will be deleted, unless it is posted in an Out Of Character topic in The Chat Room.
- No leet speak, unless accompanied by a translation in parenthesis after the initial leet statement. The main reason being is that I can't interpret it.
- Profanity in all its forms is not tolerated to a certain level. If it gets out of hand, it will banned altogether. Only Administration is exempt. An example of such a word that is gone to far are some of the following:

Female Body Reproductive Organs
Male Body Reproductive Organs

-The Administration does allow sexual references on this website. HOWEVER, if you Role Play sexual acts, you will be banned. Hinting that a sexual act has occurred is acceptable. A commonly accepted method of doing this is simply a fade to black.

- You may not discriminate against others because of Race, Color, Gender, Sexual Preference, Religion, Income, or Marital Status AT ALL ON THIS SITE!

- Religion and Political affiliations are not to be discussed in the forum at any time, unless privately.

Sub Part C

- You must keep all content posted on a PG rating and not use any drug references or sexual phrases.
- You must always respect The Site Administrators and Moderators, no matter who is in the wrong
- You must always respect site veterans and elders, because they know a whole lot more than you think they do. Experience wise anyways.

Written by MorpheusZero of FFworldz, July 18, 2009

ALL of these rules can be overturned by the FOUNDER of this website, Jesika Elizabeth Hanson. This website will forever remain in the possession of Jesika Elizabeth Hanson, until she decides to give it up willingly. If she leaves, and comes back, you hand the master control back over to her without question or snarky commentary. Because the hell if I'm gonna get my own ToS used on me a second time.

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